Why Choose Dublin BER?

We guarantee accurate ratings and transparent pricing.

Quick turn around times and accurate ratings are very important when selling and renting property.
This is why we recommend Dublin BER to all of our clients.

We advise all of our clients to use Dublin BER for both sales and lettings.
They are quick, easy to deal with and fairly priced.

Quite often timing is critical in our business and Dublin BER always deliver on time and with a premium service.
We have no hesitation recommending Dublin BER to our clients.
We have been working with Dublin BER for the past few years and are happy to recommend them to our clients for both residential lettings and sales.
John Brophy, Brophy Estates
We have engaged Dublin BER on behalf of a large number of our clients to carry out BER ratings for conveyancing. We have found them to be highly professional and quick to act.
In our business, we require accurate BER Cert’s quickly and for a competitive price. We use Dublin BER because they do what they say they will do and they do it quickly.
Deirdre Anne Lally, DublinLettings.com
Excellent professional service providing a prompt turnaround of BER certificates at a competitive price. We have no hesitation in recommending Dublin BER to our clients, and have been referring business to Marc since 2011.

What is a BER?

A Building Energy Rating Certificate (BER Cert) explains the energy performance of a home. Each BER certificate comes with an Advisory Report which identifies how you might improve the energy performance of your home.

The BER shows a calculation of the energy use based on central heating, hot water heating, ventilation and lighting. A BER is similar to the the energy label for a household electrical appliance like your fridge. The label has a scale of an A to G rating.  A-rated homes being the most energy efficient tend to have the lowest energy bills.

Why Do I Need One?

It is compulsory since 2009 for all homes offered for sale or rent to have a BER Certificate.  It is illegal to advertise a property for sale or rent without also including the details of the BER.

All new buildings must also have a BER completed in order to be compliant with Part L of the Building Regulations.

BER assessments can only be carried out by qualified BER Assessors who have passed the SEAI BER Assessor exam and have been fully registered with SEAI.

How to Improve Your BER Assessment

Some of the questions we are asked most often is "How can I improve my BER" or "What can I do to improve my BER before my house goes on the market"?  Thankfully, there are a [...]

BER Assessment Explained

When the Assessor arrives at your home they will conduct a non intrusive survey. A BER assessment will typically take a couple of hours to complete (depending of course on the home size and complexity). [...]

Cost of upgrading a BER

June 30th, 2015|Comments Off on Cost of upgrading a BER

Most three-bed semis built before the late 1990 s, have an average of a D or E rating. The cost of reducing energy bills and upping the comfort levels differs through low-cost measures such as lagging a [...]

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